Amazon and Tax Myth

Amazon assures anyone who asks that they are just fulfilling the obligations that are legally required.  You don’t like it you must blame the tax codes. Amazon reported $1.7 billion in federal income tax expense in 2020 and $1.8 billion in other federal taxes,...

The Myth of Amazon Job Creation

There is this blind faith that wherever Amazon comes, jobs will be created.  It is not true.  Studies have shown over and over again that there are no net gains in jobs, In fact, at year three in almost every single location, there is no net area job gain. It disrupts...

Amazon Stifeling Jobs

Sometimes prescient studies are buried into obscurity, even though the accuracy remains current and applicable 5 years later.  That is the case here with the nonprofit Institute for Local Self-reliance. AMAZON’S STRANGLEHOLD: HOW THE COMPANY’S TIGHTENING...

Understanding How the Amazon Flex Delivery System Works

UNDERSTANDING HOW THE AMAZON FLEX DELIVERY SYSTEM WORKS April 30, 2021 As we research the effect of distribution centers, and in particular how Amazon operates as it is the apparent force behind the Hillwood proposal in Churchill, we collect background on aspects of...

Developers Defenses Against NIMBY

April 27, 2021 If you want to be effective in defeating a real estate development, it is critical to understand how developers counter these objections.  And they encounter them all the time.  Most people do not like change and any little change will inevitably...