Hillwood Deliberately Misled the Public

Let’s begin by clarifying once again, we are not against a development that meets the borough’s vision and complements its residential nature.  We are against this proposal for a distribution center. Hillwood deliberately misled the public in each one of its...

Amazon Distribution Center Topography Risks

The risks to the site and to the Borough for mediating these expected consequences have not been properly discussed. 1–is the loss of aesthetic natural landscape topography. 2–is the additional instability of the fill areas. 3–ecological impact, and...

How to Select a Distribution Center Site

Examples of Amazon Mega distribution Centers March 27, 2021 This is a 30 page supplement to the hub and spoke article. We post links to large projects with visuals so that Churchill residents can see what is being built elsewhere and will have a visual for comparison...

No to Hillwood

In every one-on-one conversation that I have had, it is clear that everyone is in agreement that a distribution center on the Westinghouse R&D location is wrong. It is wrong first because the infrastructure needed to support such a vehicle-dependent entity does...

3-8-21 Council Notes

Murray Bilby 2424 Churchill Road Tonight I have a short message so I should not need to rush through it. I am still learning and collecting information about the history and challenges of finding the appropriate development for the former Westinghouse R&D...

Background and References

March 3, 2021 The development of the former Westinghouse R&D campus will take place, whether it is Hillwood and the distribution center or another commercial enterprise.  To minimize the negative consequences, every resident must invest time to be educated in key...