Why Amazon Really Raised Its Minumum Wage
Amazon may paint itself as a benevolent corporation looking to help workers throughout the country, but their actions say otherwise. When Amazon raised its minimum wage to $15 in 2018, many of its workers were outraged. The workers received a slight hourly wage bump...
Jonnet Building Comparison
To put things into perspective... Below is the Jonnet Building... Less than 50,000 sf in the entire building. It takes 68 such buildings to equal the 3.5 million sf of the Hillwood/amazon building. ...
A Letter to Churchill Council
Dear Members of the Borough of Churchill Planning Commission, Borough of Churchill Mayor and Council: You may be aware that a letter regarding the Churchill Creek project was delivered to residents of Churchill this week. We received the letter on Monday 3-29-2021....
The Parkway East is Antiquated
Transportation in the east of Pittsburg has been limited both by the antiquated design of the Parkway East and the limited public transportation. Pittsburgh used to have streetcars go out as far as Pitcairn. Today we only have 3 buses going east near Churchill. A...
Part one: History of Westinghouse R&D in Churchill Borough
Part one: History of Westinghouse R&D in Churchill Borough In trying to find out history about Westinghouse online, most of it is within the last several years or goes back to the turn of the century, almost nothing in between. Luckily, I found an academic book...
Amazon Alcoa, TN Same as Churchill
Another reason to reject Hillwood with no further discussion. LOOK AT THIS 6 SLIDE PRESENTATION PDF AND COMPARE TO THE LAST HILLWOOD PROPOSAL. 1—It is in an agricultural rural area being developed by the state into an industrial park, not residential as in Churchill...
Hillwood Deliberately Misled the Public
Let’s begin by clarifying once again, we are not against a development that meets the borough's vision and complements its residential nature. We are against this proposal for a distribution center. Hillwood deliberately misled the public in each one of its...
Amazon Distribution Center Topography Risks
The risks to the site and to the Borough for mediating these expected consequences have not been properly discussed. 1--is the loss of aesthetic natural landscape topography. 2--is the additional instability of the fill areas. 3--ecological impact, and related habitat...
How to Select a Distribution Center Site
Examples of Amazon Mega distribution Centers March 27, 2021 This is a 30 page supplement to the hub and spoke article. We post links to large projects with visuals so that Churchill residents can see what is being built elsewhere and will have a visual for comparison...
No to Hillwood
In every one-on-one conversation that I have had, it is clear that everyone is in agreement that a distribution center on the Westinghouse R&D location is wrong. It is wrong first because the infrastructure needed to support such a vehicle-dependent entity does...